If you find yourself struggling to pay your bills and make ends meet because of debt, then you might be considering bankruptcy. Bankruptcy at an older age could have a negative impact on many aspects of your life, but the good news is that there are exemptions that...
Month: November 2021
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Potential problems if you don’t update your estate plan
Making an estate plan is just the first step. It is also important to keep an eye on that plan and update it periodically. Some people do this on a set schedule, such as checking over it every year, while others do it when life events dictate that it's time to do so....
Essential elements of a lease agreement
A lease agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the rental terms for a commercial or residential property. It is signed between a landlord (the lessor) and the renter known as the tenant (or lessee). Creating a thorough and effective lease is very...