When someone passes away, the person they named as executor presents their will for probate in the state and county where the deceased individual lived when they passed. The primary duty of an executor is to ensure that the wishes of the deceased person are carried...
Estate Administration and Probate
Why we can all benefit from engaging in asset protection planning
When many people think about the concept of estate planning, they often envision older people drafting wills. There's more to this process, though. One crucial aspect is asset protection planning. It involves devising a strategy for ensuring that anyone who sues you...
The real reasons why you need a health care directive
For some individuals, a health care directive is something they only consider when they receive a serious medical diagnosis. It is common for physicians and counselors to recommend the creation of an advanced medical directive or health care directive for those...
Are you worried about how your children will pay your debt?
As you do your estate planning, do you find yourself wondering if you have too much debt? Maybe you’re concerned that you’re not leaving a positive legacy for your children. Instead, you’re just leaving them a lot of debt that they’re somehow going to have to pay once...
Differences between estate executors and administrators
In New Jersey and elsewhere, people sometimes use the terms "executor" and "administrator" as though they're interchangeable regarding the estate planning process. However, they are not the same. Generally speaking, the two titles just mentioned refer to males...