When you decide to file for bankruptcy, it means that you cannot service your current debts. As a result, it may be challenging to secure credit due to your low credit rating. You will need to rebuild your credit score on the road to financial recovery. The earlier...
Month: February 2022
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Why do they call Chapter 13 a “wage earner’s” plan?
When you're discussing different types of bankruptcy, people often refer to Chapter 7 bankruptcy as a liquidation plan. Conversely, they refer to Chapter 13 bankruptcy as a wage earner’s plan. The names do tell you a lot about how these processes are going to work,...
3 kinds of family members that will benefit from a trust
For some people, the idea of a trust conjures images of spoiled children raised by the enormously wealthy. However, trust-fund babies are a tiny percentage of the people who benefit from trusts in the United States. Many different kinds of people would benefit from...