Did you know that the average household in America has $5,700 in debt? That debt may be held as credit card debt or other types, but it can certainly weigh down your ability to afford a comfortable lifestyle. As someone who is in a balance-carrying household, you...
Month: June 2020
A look at the pros and cons of an irrevocable trust
More and more people in East Brunswick, NJ, are realizing the importance of proper estate planning. As such, knowledge about the many options to choose from when planning an estate is growing. Despite the ongoing spread of knowledge, many estate planning terms and...
Are you worried about how your children will pay your debt?
As you do your estate planning, do you find yourself wondering if you have too much debt? Maybe you’re concerned that you’re not leaving a positive legacy for your children. Instead, you’re just leaving them a lot of debt that they’re somehow going to have to pay once...
You can’t always control bankruptcy
People often feel like they can control whether they go bankrupt. They assume that they can make wise spending choices, keep a budget or avoid credit cards. They assume that those who do file for bankruptcy must have made some serious mistakes. The truth, though, is...