Realizing that you don’t have control of your finances is a scary thought. You’ll have to try to find a way to get the creditors taken care of or you face years of collection attempts. It’s imperative that you consider all your options so you can enjoy a fresh...
Year: 2021
How will bankruptcy impact your estate plan?
If you find yourself struggling to pay your bills and make ends meet because of debt, then you might be considering bankruptcy. Bankruptcy at an older age could have a negative impact on many aspects of your life, but the good news is that there are exemptions that...
Potential problems if you don’t update your estate plan
Making an estate plan is just the first step. It is also important to keep an eye on that plan and update it periodically. Some people do this on a set schedule, such as checking over it every year, while others do it when life events dictate that it's time to do so....
Essential elements of a lease agreement
A lease agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the rental terms for a commercial or residential property. It is signed between a landlord (the lessor) and the renter known as the tenant (or lessee). Creating a thorough and effective lease is very...
What you need to know if you’re considering bankruptcy (again)
Maybe you filed for bankruptcy years ago after you let your credit card debt get out of hand. You learned your lesson and swore you’d never let yourself get in that much financial trouble again. However, the last couple of years have been uniquely tough. Maybe your...
3 common misconceptions about estate planning in New Jersey
Planning what to do with your assets once you die is a major decision. At times, the estate planning process can be viewed negatively, which may discourage people from making it a priority. However, negative standpoints on estate planning are often based on...
What happens during a will contest?
When you pass away, your will, trusts and other estate documents will help determine what happens next. Your will is important because it describes how you’re passing on your assets to your heirs. If your heirs are not happy with the distribution, there is a chance...
What are the 3 big differences between Chapter 7 and 13 filings?
Individuals and businesses can potentially file for bankruptcy. Individuals dealing with overwhelming amounts of personal debt often choose between a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and a Chapter 13 filing. Trying to determine which form of bankruptcy would work better requires...
What to do with valuable collections during estate planning
When a will is executed, the thimble or shot glass collection is usually only given a cursory amount of consideration. Not all collections are equal. Serious collectors have dedicated a lifetime to the building of their prized collection. Art, antique cars,...
Bankruptcy: Can I keep my business?
Bankruptcy is a daunting prospect for anyone, particularly if it involves the potential loss of a business. However, does bankruptcy always lead to business owners having to liquidate their assets? In truth, the answer will vary depending on the circumstances of each...